The Bartending College

Bartending Training FAQ

Do You Guarantee Me a Bartending Job After Completing The Course?
We are not permitted to guarantee or promise anyone a job, however, after being in business for so many years, many connections have been made or we would not survived. We have a Job Placement Assistance Service for graduates and you may use it as many as you find necessary. In other words, if you are ever out of work, or just need additional work, you can call or come by to see what jobs we have available. Our Placement Service is never closed to past or present students. There is never any charge for this service to our graduates. This service is lifetime & nationwide.
Do You Offer Scholarships or Payment Plans?
While we do not offer scholarships, some students may qualify to use certain education assistance programs to help pay for the course. Please call the Bartending College nearest you to find out. We do however offer very flexible and affordable payment plans!
How Old Do I have To Be To Bartend?
This depends on where you live. Select your state to see the minimum age to bartend

Age to bartend:

Is Bartending A Suitable Job If I'm (Old/Young/Female/Male)
Yes! Bartending is perfect no matter what type, sex, race or age you are. For every unique bartender out there is an equally unique bar!
What Are the Educational Requirements To Attend Your School?
If you are ambitious and have good common sense you should have no difficulty. If you have problems during the course, our instructors will always be there and ready to help you. If you need extra hours, there will be no additional charge. You can stay until you are completely satisfied.
What Type Of Experience Do Your Instructors Have?
Our teaching staff is comprised of all bartenders with years of experience in the field. This course cannot be taught from books. It must be taught by bartenders who have learned from actual experience. They are able to pass on to you all of the tricks of the trade, to make you feel like an experienced bartender.
When Do Classes Start?
We hold classes year round, so you can literally get started today. However typically, most students begin class on a Monday or Saturday if they are enrolling in our weekend course.
Will I Be Trained In Everything I Need To Know About Bartending?
Yes, we not only teach you all of your mixed drinks, we will teach you everything you need to know about being a Top-Notch Bartender, including service techniques, setting up & breaking down the bar, liquor, beer & wine knowledge, interviewing techniques and much more!
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