Commit to excellence and have pride in your work! We are looking for a full time bartender, mostly nights, maybe 1-2 day shifts as a full time position. If you meet the following qualifications, we would love to hear from you.


Must be 21+ years of age
Some restaurant experience (doesn’t have to be as a bartender)
Great customer service skills and establishing relationships with guests. We strive to show guests a great time!
Able to lift 15 or more lbs.
Able to work in a fast paced environment while maintaining efficiency and poise.
Good prioritizing skills.

Some words that should describe you: outgoing, friendly, social, trustworthy, genuine, happy, polite…

We would love to hear from you in person. Please visit us as 1099 Middlefield Rd. in Redwood City. (650) 369-4730
Check us out at

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